  • 期刊


The Application of New Intelligence/Information Technology in Nursing Practice of Medical Network of National Taiwan University (NTU)


COVID-19疫情全球肆虐,掀起科技數位創新研發與跨域合作的浪潮,人工智慧(artificial intelligence,Al)及機器學習(machine learning,ML)等導入醫療照護場域,護理專業亦應用資訊科技(information technology,IT)整合大量資訊,以簡化護理作業流程,以及提升護理品質與管理績效。本文檢視台大醫療體系(總院及各分院)之「科技資訊與智慧護理」,於「臨床實務、教學及研究」面向之發展與應用,護理部自1995年成立「護理資訊小組」,從「使用者」角度出發,積極朝智慧醫療服務發展邁進。在院方整體規劃下,已陸續建置「床邊服務系統、專責護理師呼叫系統、室內定位系統、照服員線上管理系統、護理資訊系統2.0及臨床決策支援系統及護理應用程式(App; N-Portal)上線」等智慧型設備;值AI導入的同時,當反思如何優化護病互動關係,以彰顯護理「同理關懷」的特色,建立病人有感的「智能護理」模式,造就台灣獨特護理資訊發展的里程碑與深遠影響力。


Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed a new wave of technological innovation and cross-disciplinary collaboration around the world. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been applied to the medical and healthcare settings. The nursing profession has also used information technology (IT) to integrate a large amount of data to optimize nursing processes in order to improve the quality of care and the effectiveness of management. This article seeks to explore the development and application of "IT and smart nursing" in clinical practice, education, and research. The Nursing Department of National Taiwan University Hospital set up "the Nursing Information Committee" in 1995. From the "user" perspective, it strongly encourages our units to develop smart-nursing services with IT applications. These technological advances include bedside service systems, a primary nurse call system, a room positioning system, an attendant online management system, a nursing information system 2.0, supporting system for clinical-decisions, and nursing application (App, N-Portal), to name a few. When AI is imported into nursing, we should reflect on how to augment the nurse-patient interactions in order to highlight empathetic compassion as a unique feature of nursing. In addition, we reflect on this "Smart Nursing" model as a development milestone, we should consider its influential impact on the development of nursing informatics.


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