  • 期刊


Taiwan Six-Year Doctor of Physical Therapy Education in Nurturing Elite Athletes




In response to the enhancement of athletic skills in Taiwan over the past years, the development of competitive sports has become more specialized, and the demand for sports physical therapists has escalated over time. In addition to the traditional four-year physical therapy courses, the six-year physical therapy education programs include courses in medical imaging, pharmacology, nutrition, and other practical courses that are useful in the sports field. Including these courses hopes to deepen the knowledge of sports physical therapy and strengthen the familiarity of skills in the field so that the cultivated talents can correspond to the needs of the sports field. This article first focused on the professional definition and the core competencies of sports physical therapists, as well as the six-year physical therapy education programs and the sports module courses to further understand how the six-year physical therapy educational programs can provide high-standard professional services to the athletes as they pursuit excellent performance in the sports field.


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