  • 期刊


The Study of the Application of Problem-Based Learning on Elementary Science Course


本研究依據問題本位學習的理論架構,選取國小五年級自然科一個單元的相關教材,編擬出問題本位學習的教學方式,包含呈現問題、連結問題、建構概念圖、根據概念圖提問、分析問題、研究問題、呈現結果、及評量表現等,探討問題本位學習教學對國小學生學習態度、學習成就以及問題解決能力之影響。 研究者以準實驗研究法,方便叢集選樣屏東縣某國民小學五年級學生作為研究對象。實驗組施以問題本位學習教學方式進行教學,控制組施以一般傳統講述式教學,進行六週的實驗教學。研究工具包含自然科學習態度量表、自然科成就測驗、問題解決能力量表。進行前後測之資料蒐集,並進行共變數分析,以考驗實驗組與控制組之學習態度、學習成就及問題解決能力有無顯之差異;加上問題本位學習表、學生自我評鑑表、問題本位學習意見調查表、訪談、研究者之教學日誌、及學生學習札記的資料蒐集,做質的輔助分析。 研究主要結果為問題本位學習有助於學生學習態度、問題解決能力之增進;但在學習成就方面,實驗組與控制組學生並無顯著之差異。研究者更提出建議,以供教師日後實施學習本位教學時之參考。


This study was in accordance with the theory structure of problem-based learning. One unit was chosen from elementary fifth-grade science course to design the teaching method of problem-based learning including problem presentation, connection of problems, construct concept maps, questioning according to the concept maps, analyze the questions, investigate the questions, presentation of the results and evaluations. This study explored the effects of problem-based learning method on elementary students' learning attitudes, learning achievement, and their problem-solving abilities. The researcher adopted quasi-experimental research design to collect the data from the subjects of elementary fifth-grade students in one elementary school in Pintung County. The experimental group had problem-based learning method and the control group received traditional lecture instruction. The experimental instruments included learning attitude scale of science course, achievement assessment of science course, the scale of problem-solving abilities. The data were collected from the pretests and posttest and analyzed by the statistical ANCOVA to investigate if there were significant differences of learning attitudes, learning achievement, and problem-solving abilities between the experimental and control groups. The problem-based learning form, the students' self-evaluation form, the questionnaire of students' opinions toward problem-based learning, interviews, researcher's teaching journal, and students' learning notes were analyzed as well as qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicated that problem-based learning method was beneficial to cultivated students' learning attitudes and enhance their problem-solving abilities. However, there was no significant difference between of students' learning achievement between the two groups. At last, the researcher provided suggestions as references for teachers who would like to apply problem-based learning method.


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吳小惠(2013)。國小科學教師實施問題本位學習 的困難及因應策略〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300586
