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Applying an Examination-guided Teaching Model in a Diagnostic Radiology Curriculum




Purpose: A low class attendance rate is a major problem in medical school teaching. In this study, we attempted to use an ”examination-guided” teaching model to increase the class attendance rate of medical students undertaking a diagnostic radiology curriculum. Method: This study recruited 140 and 154 fourth-year students who attended a diagnostic radiology course in 2002 and 2003 respectively. Examinations were held 10 minutes before each class. In 2002, pretests were performed that consisted of questions based on selected reading materials assigned to students before the teacher taught on the same topic. One of the purposes was to allow students to gain some knowledge of the concepts before the class. In 2003, post-tests were performed: an examination as held one eek after the class and questions for the examination were related to the topics taught in the previous week. Learning attitudes were assessed by questionnaires as well as open comments from the students. Results: A total of eight pretests and thirteen post-tests were performed over the two class years. The class attendance rates markedly increased: the pretest groups had 80.0% attendance and the post-test groups 97.4%. Of the students, 46% and 64.5% respectively, reflected that the pretests and post-tests were of benefit to student concentration during the classes. 83% believed that a post-test was superior to a pretest in examining student knowledge. 42.5% of students believed that learning efficacy could be assessed by post-tests and 76% of students suggested that such an examination held every week could even substitute for traditional midterm and final examinations. Conclusion: The ”examination-guided” teaching model can increase the class attendance rate of medical students, and can enhance learning concentration and understanding during the class. A post-test is superior to a pretest according to our preliminary findings.


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