  • 期刊

Methotrexate Followed by Suctional Curettage: A Successful Treatment for Cesarean Scar Pregnancy


Objective: To report the conservative management of a patient with cesarean scar pregnancy. Case Report: A 28-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 2, was initially diagnosed by transvaginal sonography to have a single viable gestation in a uterine scar. A single dose of systemic methotrexate 50 mg was given intramuscularly. A suctional curettage was then performed successfully. Serum levels of β-human chorionic gonadotropin returned to normal 21 days later. The patient had suffered from persistent vaginal spotting for 2 months, but no major complications were noted at follow-up. Conclusion: To preserve fertility, systemic intramuscular methotrexate followed by suctional curettage may be a safe treatment alternative for cesarean scar pregnancies.
