  • 期刊


The Assessment of the Cellular Toxicity of SiO2、ZnO and Cr2O3 Nanopowders


本實驗是分別將工業技術研究院所研製的氧化錫、二氧化矽及氧化鉻普通粉體及奈米粉體,在不同濃度(1ppm、10ppm、100ppm及1,000pp)下對四種人類細胞株進行細胞毒性測試。計算細胞存活率將以錐藍質排除測試(trypan blue exclusion test)及MTT assay的方法進行,並以倒立式顯微鏡觀察不同粉體濃度在細胞培養液下的變化,及細胞在受測環境下的型態改變。實驗結果顯示無論是普通或是奈米尺寸,這三種化合物對各種細胞的毒性依序是氧化錫>氧化鉻>二氧化矽,在1,000及100ppm的氧化錫濃度下與細胞培養24小時,所有受測細胞的存活率幾乎等於零(K-562細胞株除外),而二氧化矽及氧化鉻則仍有細胞存活。另一方面比較同一種化合物但不同尺寸的粉體對細胞的毒性如何,我們發現氧化錫在奈米化後似乎對細胞(HeLa、HepG2/C3A及MRC-5)的毒性變小了(在100ppm濃度下各種細胞存活率平均約升高8%),有趣的是二氧化矽在奈米化後對细胞的毒性反而增大(在100 ppm濃度下各種細胞存活率平均約降低40%),而氧化鉻則較無較顯著的改變。在白血球細胞株(K-562)則發現普通及奈米粉體的化合物,細胞毒性的差異較小。由上述實驗我們可清楚了解不同尺寸或型態的粉體對細胞的毒性是有極大的差異性,而且對不同型態的細胞(黏貼性或懸浮性)也會造成不同的影響。我們希望藉此實驗能提供各類奈米粉體對人體細胞影響的訊息給於相關單位,以建立奈米材料製造的安全法規。


In this study, the normal-and nano-sized ZnO, SiO2 and Cr2O3 powders, which provided from Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), were assessed by cellular toxicity in four kinds of human cell lines under different concentrations (1 ppm, 10 ppm, 100 ppm and 1, 000 ppm). Cell survival rate of test cells were measured by the method of trypan blue exclusion and MTT [3-(4, 5-dimethy-lthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] assay, and images of both types powders and cell morphological changes in different powders' concentrations were observed by the inverted microscope. The experimental results showed normal- or nano-sized compound powers all were toxic to various kinds of cells and the toxicity was in the following order: ZnO>Cr2O3>SiO2. The survival rates of test cell lines in 24 hours incubation under the concentrations of ZnO in 1.000 and 100 ppm dropped nearly to zero (except K-562 cell line), but still had the cells that survived in the same treatment with SiO2 or Cr2O3. On the other hand, the same property chemical compound but in different size were analyzed in cell toxicity test. We found the nano-sized ZnO toxicity in HeLa. HepG2/C3A and MRC-5 had diminished (the survival rates of various kinds of cells raised 8% averagely under 100 ppm concentration when compared to normal-size ZnO). Interestingly, the cell toxicity of nano-sized Si02 had increased (the survival rates of different types cells averagely reduced to 40% under the concentration in 100 ppm), however, there did not have apparent change in Cr203. We also found that the test powders whether in normal- or nano-sized, the cell toxicity was little different in the leukemia cells (K-562). These data suggest that different sizes or types of the powders have great different toxicities in cells, and will cause different influences on cells with different properties (adherent or suspend). We hope to make use of this study to offer the cellular toxicity information of nano-sized powders to the relevant unit, in order to set up the secure legislation of nanomaterial production.


Nanopowder Cellular toxicity SiO2 ZnO and Cr2O3
