  • 期刊


An Exploratory Study on Volunteers' Participation Types in Puli.



由於以往大多數志工相關研究皆以問卷方式進行量化研究,故較無法對志工從事志願服務的動機及過程,有深入和個別的陳述與分析,使研究發現顯得片面、零碎與表淺。本研究希望從質的方面,以深入訪談的方式,蒐集個別志工參與志願服務的動機、理念、行動過程、參與策略及結果等資料,以呈現志工的個人特質及參與志願服務的行動過程與動態,進而對志工的行動角色加以分類,而建立志工的參與類型。 訪談對象包括埔里地區五個志願服務團體的二十八位志工,訪談資料以植根理論的方法加以分析,結果歸納出五種志工的參與類型:觀望猶豫型、保留謹慎型、配合投入型、協調指揮型及全力以赴型。 志工屬於觀望猶豫型與保留護慎型者,其個人服務意願較低,且對繼續參與志願服務抱持觀望保守的消極態度。至配合投入型、協調指揮型和全力以赴型的志工,則工作動機主動積極,投入意願較高,和從志願服務中所得的成就感、快樂、滿足及附帶滿足均較多。 研究結果對社會工作實務的運用而言,機構或志工督導可就招募志工做初步的瞭解與分類,藉以分辨其參與的類型,並針對各參與類型的特色加以輔導,對其可能遭遇的限制和困難給予協助,以求突破,以激勵參與較低的志工逐漸提昇,如從保留謹慎型發展為配合投入型乃至於協調指揮型,如此則有助於實務工作者進一步掌握志工,減低志工的流失率和達到人力資源有效的管理與利用,以提高服務的品質。


Most researches on the key themes of volunteer are illustrated by quantitative method of structured questionnaire. But the quantitative approaches can't offer macro and micro analytical perspectives about the participation process and motives which are embedded in volunteers. Beyond the surface and trifle of previous researches, this study takes qualitative method to ascribe the motives, beliefs, participation, process and devoted results of individual volunteer. Futhermore, this study extends to show the dynamic process of participation of volunteers and uses ”grounded theory” to classify the data into categories to establish the participation types of volunteers. It also provides a new perspective for future researcher to know the volunteers. This study takes 28 volunteers of 5 volunteers' groups as sample and concludes 5 types of volunteer by ”grounded theory”: (a) The type of hesitation. (b) The type of cautiousness. (c) The type of adaptation. (d) The type of coordination and direction. (e) The type of enthusiastic devotion. The incentive to service of the volunteers among the types of hesitation and discreetness is lower. They are hesitate and discreet to be engaged. The other three kinds of volunteers' participation types have greater motivations, activeness and willingness to help people. The also gain much sense of fulfillment, pleasure, and satisfaction. For the use of social work practical, field supervisors and works can take the five participation types to distinguish the new volunteers and understand the characteristics of volunteers as well as the problems they have. Social workers can use various kinds of social work methods to help each type of volunteers to stay in the institutions and reduce the attrition of volunteers. Besides, this five participation types can also help promote the management of human resources and the quality of service.


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陳慧珍(2010)。新移民志工參與志願服務之研究 -以桃園縣新移民學習中心為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000244
