  • 期刊


A Theoretical Model for Knowledge-based Product Diffusion Process



知識經濟時代中,知識已成爲企業維繫競爭優勢的重要資源,知識本身不僅是資源的投入,亦大量蘊含於産出之中,在商品逐漸呈現低度物質化的趨勢下,其價值主要是由內蘊知識成分決定,並於流通的過程中顯現出來,也就是所謂「知識型商品」。由於知識本質上的無體性,使得知識型商品在擴散過程中展現出獨特的性質,並且不同類型的知識型商品在相關特質上亦有所差異,隨著知識型商品的普遍化,相對於以往針對耐久財爲主的擴散模型,其間的關係則尚未獲得進一步釐清。基於此,本研究首先對於知識型商品的涵蓋範圍及採用特性進行說明,在參酌相關擴散研究的想法之下,引入傳染病擴散的核心原理,納入成員偏好異質性的考量,搭配指數分配(exponential distribution)的隨機過程,以及考慮報酬遞增的正向效果,建構出知識型商品的擴散模型。隨後藉由參數的設定及數學模擬的方式,比較不同特質知識型商品擴散模式的差異,並闡釋導致「鴻溝(chasm)危機」形成的原因,最後根據模擬結果和相關參數的對應,歸結出知識型商品成功擴散的有效策略與實務意涵。


In the Knowledge Economy, knowledge has become one of the most important resources for firms to create and sustain competitive advantage. Not only is the value delivered by firms mainly based on the long-term cumulated knowledge, knowledge itself is the inseparable part of the products or service created by them. In other words, less physical material but more and more knowledge is embedded in the output of products and forms the value base of them as well, which are the so-called knowledge-based products. Due to the intangibility of knowledge, knowledge-based products demonstrate very distinctive properties in the diffusion process, which are incompletely considered in the past academic diffusion researches. In addition, different kinds of knowledge-based products also exhibit contrasting diffusion patterns, which have not been compared and discussed in the literature. In the paper, first of all, we clarify the definition and properties of the knowledge-based products and review the diffusion-related literature. Based on this understanding, the idea of virus propagation and Exponential Distribution Random Process are applied to construct a diffusion model, which includes the concepts of increasing-return effect. Finally, through extensive mathematical simulations, our intention is to offer an understanding of knowledge-based product diffusion patterns, explicate the conditions causing the ”Chasm” crisis and conclude general strategies for firms to successfully diffuse different kinds of knowledge-based products.


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