  • 期刊


A Comparison of Research Orientations between Domestic and International Technology Education Theses and Dissertations in 1994-2013


科技教育旨在促進全民科技素養和培育科技專門人才,其精進有賴適切研究。本研究針對「臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統」和ProQuest資料庫做為研究對象,連用Bibexcel配合SPSS及UCINET進行共詞分析,以了解國內外科技教育的學位論文研究趨向與差異。結果發現:(1)就論文數量而言, 國內論文來自62所大學,以臺灣師大領銜;國外論文來自11個國家,284所大學(包括分校),以美國北卡羅萊納州立大學(North Carolina State University)居首;(2)就學校特性而言,國內主要由師範校院主導科技教育研究走向,國外則是一般大學校院;(3)就論文位階而言,國內以碩士論文較多,國外則以博士論文為主;(4)就研究集群而言,國內呈現鬆散、分離現象;國外則緊密;(5)就研究重點而言,國內著重在國中和資訊科技方面;國外跨幅則從小學教育到高等教育,從普通教育到職業和專業教育,並著重和學校行政、數學等議題的關聯。


Technology Education aims to promote technological literacy for all and prepare the professionals in the field of technology. Its progress relies on appropriate research studies. In order to compare the research orientation differences between domestic and international technology education theses and dissertations, this study selected "National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan" and ProQuest databases as subjects, and applied Bibexcel with SPSS as well as UCINET to conduct a co-word analysis and a comparison. As a result, it is found: (1) In terms of the number of theses/dissertations, the domestic ones come from 62 universities and National Taiwan Normal University contributes the most, and the international ones come from 11 countries and 284 universities and North Carolina State University, USA, contributes the most; (2) In regard to institutional characteristics, domestic research studies are mainly led by teacher training universities and international ones by general universities; (3) Regarding degree levels, domestic theses/dissertations are mainly theses and international ones dissertations; (4) As regards research clustering, domestic ones present loose as well as separation while international ones are tighter; (5) With regard to research emphases, domestic theses/dissertations emphasize junior high schools and information technology, while the span of international ones cross is from primary education to higher education, general education to occupational/professional education, and also focuses on the issues concerning school administration, mathematics and others.


靳知勤(2008)。臺灣STS 教育領域學位論文之發展回顧與評析。科學教育學刊。16(4),1-23。
