  • 期刊


Current Status of Newborn Hearing Screening in Mid-Taiwan


嬰幼兒的聽力障礙不容易被發現,一般而言約有1/500的新生兒具有兩側先天性聽障。由於聽力篩檢儀器的進步,使得篩檢變得較方便且正確。而聽障的嬰幼兒若可以在6個月大前診斷出來,並立即給予治療,則未來可達到正常的語言發展。本研究是透過中部8家醫療院所施行嬰幼兒的聽力篩檢,以期了解中部地區嬰幼兒聽障的情形。研究期間為2008年1月至2009年6月。總共有4575名嬰兒接受自動聽性腦幹反應(automated uditory rainstem esponse; ABR)的篩檢。其中有4513名雙耳確定通過aABR篩檢,聽力為正常。有68名未通過篩檢,並轉介做進一步的追蹤。未通過篩檢的嬰幼兒,在滿月後複檢一次,共有8名雙耳聽障及4名單耳聽障。本研究顯示,若能早期診斷出先天性聽障的嬰幼兒並即早進行治療,將有助於未來語言及身心發展。


先天性 聽障 聽力篩檢


It is difficult to detect the newborn with a hearing impairment. Generally, there is about one out of five hundred newborn babies with congenital hearing impairment in bilateral ears. If hearing impairment can be diagnosed within 6 months after birth and immediate treatment is acquired, normal language development can be expected. This research was based on the hearing screening performed in eight hospitals in central Taiwan. The duration of the research was from January, 2008 to June, 2009, and 4, 575 newborn babies were screened with Automated Auditory Brainstem Response (aABR). The result showed that 4, 513 babies passed aABR, and 68 newborns didn't pass the test. The latter babies were referred to further follow-ups, and re-screened one month later. We found that eight newborns had bilateral hearing impairment and four newborns had one ear hearing impairment. This research revealed that the newborns with congenital hearing impairment can still have normal language and other behavior development if early identification and early intervention of hearing impairment are conducted.


Lin, H. C.,Shu, M. T.,Chang, K. C.,Hsu, C. C.,Lin, G.,Lin, Y. C.,Wu, S. H.,Tseng, T. Y.(2004).Current status of newborn hearing screening in Taiwan.Formosan J med.8,42-48.
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