  • 期刊


The Key Successful Factors for Marketing Distribution Network's Operating



面對企業經營型態的改變(從科層組織到網路式組織VS.通路到通路網路),使得傳統的管理模式不再適用於現代的『行銷通路網路』。因此,如何對現代的行銷通路網路做適當的管理,及如何利用整個通路網路為企業獲得競爭優勢,這些都是企業界所面臨到的重要課題。本研究是以網路的概念出發,並利用網路理論的觀念探討,影響我國行銷通路網路成功運作之關鍵因素、並瞭解各影響因素間的關係,及其對通路網路運作績效之影響。本研究採用郵寄問卷並輔以訪談的方式,對國內五大汽車製造商的經銷商進行調查,問卷回收率為0.46。本文將調查所得之資料,以相關分析、集群分析、多變量變異數分析、列聯表分析、徑路分析等分析方法,分別驗證本研究所提出之假設,得到下列的重要發現:1.常行使強制權與非強制權的通路網路,其運作績效會較高。2.採破壞性衝突解決技術之通路網路,其運作績效會較高。3.通路網路之外部條件與成員之行為特質會有互動作用產生,而兩者,不同的搭配將會造成績效高低不同之表現。4.低行為特質的通路網路相對於較高程度者,其運作績效較易受到外在條件因素之影響。5.影響通路網路成功運作的關鍵因素為:「組織氣候」、「非強制權」、「溝通行為」。6.過多的「承諾」、「協調」、「互賴」,會使通路網路的績效下降, 故成員屬性不宜太高,適度就好。


The formation of partnership between firm in channel is becoming an increasingly common way for channel to find and maintain competitive advantage. Partnership are defined as purposive strategic relationships between independent firms who share compatible goals, strive for mutual benefit, and acknowledge a high level of mutual interdependence. They join efforts to achieve goals that each firm, acting along, could not attain easily.However, prescriptions for the formation of such partnerships often overlook the drawbacks/hazards of such relationships. For example increasing complexity, loss of autonomy and information asymmetry, may accompany partnering relationship. Knowledge of factor that are associated with partnership success could aid in the selection of partners as well as in the on-going management of partnership. Partnerships in this study, mean network relationship.Although strategic partnership can take many forms, including both horizontal and vertical relationship, this study focused on vertical relationship between manufactures and distributors.The context selected for this study was the automobile distributors, eighty-two surveys are mailed with follow-up 2 weeks later. A total of 38 distributors return surveys (46% response rate). Correlation analysis, cluster analysis, crosstables analysis, MANOVA, path analysis were conducted for the variables in each hypothesis. This study indicates:1. The higher use coercive and noncoercive power, the higher distribution network performance.2. The higher use of destructive conflict resolution techniques including domination and harsh words, the higher performance.3. All ”distribution network climate”, ”noncoercive power”, ”communication behavior” would have impacts on performance.4. Too high ”commitment”, ”coordination”, ”interdependence” the performance would decrease.


紀秋煌(2002)。通路控制力、通路類型與通路績效之研究 —以兩岸台商工具機業供應鏈為研究對象〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200200272
