  • 期刊


The Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking Among Physicians and Dentists in a County in Taiwan


目的 國內目前各縣市有關醫師人員吸菸及喝酒盛行率並無相關資料,而衛生署國健局正在積極推動「無菸醫療環境」,其中菸害防制法更明文規定「醫療機構」為全面禁菸場所。基於以上理由,本研究目的在比較某縣西醫師、中醫師、牙醫師人員吸菸認知、態度與行為之差異。 方法 研究對象是由某縣衛生局登記在案的全縣醫師人員中選擇,包括西醫師、中醫師、牙醫師等,總共685人三種類別醫師人員。研究流程包括擬定計畫、收集名冊、發放與填寫問卷,問卷資料整理,資料統計分析等步驟。 結果 有關二手菸與吸菸程度認知,西醫師、中醫師及牙醫師平均答對率約有八成五以上。有關二手菸與吸菸之態度以牙醫師之態度較佳,醫師人員目前為吸菸者以中醫師比例最高21.6%、牙醫師次之(15.3%)、西醫師最少,其中在工作時約有醫師人員三成會仍會吸菸,約有六成曾經有戒菸過,有六成醫師人員維持戒菸不到一個月,顯示其戒菸之困難性,然而醫師人員有吸菸比例仍低於國內其他族群。 結論 未來應儘量協助有吸菸行為之醫師人員及早戒菸,除可增進自我健康外,亦可致力於協助不同吸菸成癮者之戒菸工作。


態度 行為 牙醫師 醫師人員 盛行率


Purpose. There is no information regarding the prevalence of cigarette smoking among physicians and dentists in Taiwan. The objective of this study is to investigate cigarette smoking behavior among physicians of Western medicine and Chinese medicine, and dentists in a county in Taiwan. Methods A total of 491 physicians of Western medicine and Chinese medicine, and 124 dentists were drawn from medical personnel registered with the Bureau of Health in the selected county. All of the participants completed a self-administered questionnaire designed to gather demographic information, knowledge of the health and environmental risks inherent in cigarette smoking, attitudes toward smoking and personal smoking behavior. Results. The average percentage of correct answers for the knowledge portion was 85%. Dentists had the highest average score for the attitude portion of the questionnaire. The highest percentage (21.6%) of current smokers was found among physicians who practiced Chinese medicine, followed by dentists (15.3%), and physicians of Western medicine. Nearly 30% of the physicians and dentists claimed to smoke at their workplace, but more than 60% of them have tried to quit smoking. However, most of them have been unable to quit for more than one month before resuming the habit. This study emphasized the prevalence of cigarette smoking among physicians and dentists and found it to be significantly low, compared to the general population in Taiwan. Conclusions. It is important to encourage and assist in the cessation of smoking among physicians and dentists. This will not only improve the health status of physicians and dentists but will also motivate them to more zealously encourage their patients to stop smoking.


attitude behavior dentists physician prevalence


