  • 期刊


Nursing Experience for a Woman been Acquaintance Raped


本文探討一位已婚婦女被前男友蓄意性侵害之急診護理經驗。個案受性侵害後因害怕家人知道後遭家人排斥,故隱瞞案夫性侵一事。直到男友威脅要於網路公佈裸照,她才向案夫說明性侵經過,且由案夫陪同報案後至本院急診採證。藉由會談、觀察及電話訪問,於2009年5月28日至6月18日期間收集相關資料進行分析,確立個案健康問題包括情境性低自尊及強暴創傷症候群。照護期間運用Jean Watson十項關懷照護因子提供個別護理措施,包括鼓勵個案情緒疏發、提供心理支持與轉介相關社服資源,協助個案以正向態度走出創傷。隨著性侵案件的增加,急診工作同仁經常必須第一線面對性侵事件的受害人,筆者希望藉此個案報告之經驗,提供護理同仁日後照顧此類病患之參考。


The article described the nursing experience of a married woman who was raped by her ex-boyfriend on purpose. The client was afraid of being accused by her husband and parents-in -law. Therefore, she didn't telling the truth until she was threat by her ex-boyfriend of posting her naked pictures on the Internet. The client then came to our emergency room accompanied her husband to receive physical examination. Data was collected via conversation, observation, and telephone interview from May 28 to June 18, 2009. Situational low self-esteem and rape- trauma syndrome were found by data analysis. Through applying Jean Wanson's ten carative factors to provide nursing interventions including encouragement of feeling expression, mental support and providing social resources access, the client was helped to recover from sexual trauma. Hopefully, the article can serve as a reference for emergency nurses.
