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Colleges Students' Views of Autonomy and Their Developmental Trajectories: Parent-adolescent Relationship as a Context


本研究主要目的是探討大學生對自主的界定及其自主發展的歷程。本研究以13 位大學生為對象進行團體討論或個人訪談。首先對於自主的界定上,大學生認為自主是個人所擁有的權力,例如個人的主權、自由度;或者是自我的認知和決策能力,例如主見、自我判斷、自我決定等等。除了上述自主的界定之外,大學生也提到他們認為和自主相關的其他概念,像是成熟、共存等,成熟是聽話、考慮雙方的情況,大學生認為年紀越大,越從自主朝向成熟、共存。另外,結果顯示研究對象自主發展歷程的面貌大約呈現:「自小至大之自我依賴歷程」、「突然躍進歷程」、「激進抗爭歷程」、「試探後放棄歷程」、「能力-信任循環與限制中自主歷程」。分析上述發展歷程,子方準備度和自主程度之間的平衡、親方情權合一和子方順-離因應、子方感念親情這三項其實和大學生自主發展歷程、自主發展結果、親子關係均或多或少有其關聯性。統整來看,「能力-信任循環、限制中自主歷程」中,由於子方準備度和自主權之間有所平衡,親方不把控制視為撫育的一部份,子方感念親情,並經由合理範圍限制中發展自主,因而在自主權力獲得的歷程較為平順,自主能力因逐漸形成而發展,親子關係也在信任尊重和感念親情中互動良好。


The main goal of this present study is to investigate the meanings and the developmental trajectories of autonomy based on interviews of thirteen college students. First of all, the definitions of autonomy are consisted of individual rights, including sovereignty and freedom; as well as abilities of self-judgment and self-determination. In addition, college students mentioned other related concepts, such as maturity. They also mentioned that they wanted to be autonomous when they were young. However, while getting older, they wanted to become mature. There were various developmental trajectories for individuals to achieve their status of autonomy. These trajectories were: (1) children had to be self-reliant, including taking care of themselves and making their decisions while they were not even aware of the needs for autonomy; (2) children were suddenly forced to face the situations that they needed to be self-reliant due to stressful family events; (3) children intensely resisted against parental jurisdiction and fought for their own rights; (4) children tested parental limits and then gave in; and (5) children showed their abilities of being autonomous so that parents had confidence in them, parents then set reasonable limits and children had their rights within these limits.


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