  • 期刊


A Study on Citizen's Morality Cognition of Fairness and Careness in the Pluralistic Society: A Case of Kaohsiung City


個人在多元社會中各自有不同的道德認知傾向,其中公平與關懷是社會日常生活運作的社會知識一部份,但因道德在規則上無法量化與檢驗,國內較少從事有關道德認知的實證研究。本研究以社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)為研究方法,探討高雄市民眾在日常生活運作中,必須同時考慮多個相關屬性資訊,依本身價值體系直覺認知對於日常公、私事務作價值判斷,成為日常生活最基本的現象,藉由道德認知代數(moral algebra)驗證公平或關懷的抽象觀念,提供未來道德研究的實證架構,以及從個體不同的道德認知判斷的結果反映所在社會生活領域結構。 本研究採用雙系統透鏡模式的問卷設計,從文獻中選取支持公平、支持自我、利人利己、建立關係與對人寬容等5項決策參考變數。以高雄地區學生、公務員與民眾為受測者進行SJT問卷。嚴格來說有效問卷157份雖未具有全市民意的代表性,但本研究分析發現無論男性或女性在日常生活判斷上較具有關懷導向(男性為73%;女性為62%),較少公平觀念(男性為25%;女性為16%)的道德認知,本研究認為反映目前高雄市在現代社會結構中保有傳統社會之現象。


Individuality owns oneself morality cognition in the pluralistic society. It constitutes of knowledge system to judge the private or public affairs. The operation of society function partly depends on fairness and careness in the everyday life. But the morality is in principle not quantifiable and untestable speculation, few researchers investigate the practical research on relevant morality cognition. The research method employs Social Judgment Theory, (SJT, Hammond, 1975) to investigate that Kaohsiung city citizen think about multiple attributes relevant information to reflect morality cognition of fairness or careness in the everyday life. The aim is to prove the abstract concept of morality judgment, provide the base of empirical structure in the future study, and reflect individuality society structure state. The research design selects the cues of unfair, upself, reciprocity, relation and toleration, the subject is university student, public officer, and citizen, tests in a sample157. The results show that men and women have more careness (73% vs. 62%), less fairness (25% vs. 16%) to reflect morality cognition in the everyday life, and tradition society state.


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