  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship between Clinical Practice and Well-Being among School Nurses in Hsinchu Area


本研究在探討新竹地區學校護理人員實務工作和幸福感之相關因素。採橫斷式研究設計,以結構式問卷進行調查,研究對象為新竹地區公、私立國小、國中的學校護理人員。共發出171份問卷、回收有效問卷167份,有效回收率為97.66%,研究結果如下:一、研究對象以大學、40歲(含)以下者居多,學校護理年資9年以上者占41.3%。二、研究對象的幸福感為中等程度,以「人際關係」得分最高、「身心健康」得分最低,其整體幸福感會因為職稱的不同而達到統計上的顯著差異(P < .05)。三、研究對象的學校護理實務工作完成度為中上程度、工作認同度為中上程度。四、研究對象學校護理實務工作與幸福感呈現正相關。研究對象整體工作完成度、整體工作認同度、公立國小等變項對整體幸福感的解釋力達27.1%。根據研究結果,建議學校重視校護的角色功能、學校護理人員多進行經驗交流,以提升其幸福感、實務工作的完成度和認同度。


The purpose of this research was to explore the relation between clinical practice and well-being among school nurses in Hsinchu Area. A cross-sectional with structured questionnaire was designed to collect data. Participants were school nurses of public and private elementary as well as junior high schools. A total of 171 questionnaires were distributed and 167 valid questionnaires were retrieved, the valid response rate was 97.66%. The results of this research are summarized as follows: 1. The education level of most research participants were university, 40 years old (inclusive) were mostly, school nursing experience over 9 years the percentage about 41.3%. 2. Majority of participants had medium level of well-being. The highest score falled on "interpersonal relationship" aspect and the lowest score was on "physical and mental health" aspect. There was a significant statistical discrepancy of well-being in difference occupational title among research participants (P < .05). 3. The completion of participants practice was affected by the number of school nurse (P < .05). Working commitment was affected by school category (P < .01), school nursing experience (P < .05), and the number of school nurse (P < .05). 4. There was a positive correlation of well- being and school nursing practice. Background information of the study, working commitment could explain 27.1% variation of the well-being. Based on the results it was suggested that schools attention to the role and functions of school nurses, exchange of experience to improve their well-being, participants practice and job recognizance.


school nurses clinical practice well-being


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中華民國學校衛生學會(2005)。學校衛生工作指引-健康促進學校(理論篇)。2013年04月20日取自http://www.nsha.org.tw/National School


