  • 期刊


Amendment of Test Guidelines of the New Cultivars for Oncidium


文心蘭為臺灣重要外銷切花作物,為提升臺灣文心蘭品種競爭優勢,須訂定適宜的品種性狀表以因應未來新品種保護。可區別性(distinctness)、一致性(uniformity)和穩定性(stability)(簡稱DUS)是新品種保護之實質檢定要項,也是新品種保護的技術基礎。文心蘭試驗檢定方法及品種性狀表修訂,主要參考國內舊有之文心蘭品種試驗檢定方法及品種性狀表、國際植物新品種保護聯盟(International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, UPOV)之文心蘭檢定準則及相關技術文件。根據所收集之文心蘭品種及文心蘭品種檢定資料庫進行各種外表性狀表現之觀測,確立了101個性狀,其中必測性狀50項,一般性狀51項,同時確立各項性狀的分級註記及判定方式,以進行臺灣文心蘭新品種檢定作業之依據。


Oncidium is an important cut flowers for export in Taiwan. To maintain and enhance the variety advantages of Oncidium, we have to consummate the plant variety protection system in Taiwan. Distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS for short) are the substantial examination items and the technical base of plant variety protection. Based on original test guideline, the test guidelines, technical documents and plant variety database of UPOV taken as reference and varieties of Oncidium in market also collected and observed in order to revise the DUS test guideline for Oncidium. 101 characteristics were determined, 50 asterisked characteristics and 51 supplement characteristics included. The grading code and interpretation of characteristics were also elucidated. A more adequate guideline for DUS testing of Oncidium can be provided in the future.
