  • 期刊


Analysing the Effects of Class Absences on Academic Performance among Junior College Students by Using Structural Equation Modeling


本研究的目的在探討未成年專科學生學習態度與學業表現之間的關係,學生的缺曠課行為表現是反應其學習態度的重要指標,因此未成年五專生的各種缺曠課行為在此研究中被使用來驗證對學業表現之影響,研究的對象共有309人,均為就讀五專二年級的未成年學生。 結構方程模式被使用於此研究中,以了解不同缺曠課行為對未成年學生學業表現的影響程度。四種相關競爭模式的適配度在研究中被比較,研究結果顯示,所有模式都呈現出未成年專科學生的缺曠課行為確實會影響其學業表現,其中以學生的遲到、曠課與頻繁請事假等缺曠課行為的影響最為顯著。此研究結果暗示藉由監控與減少學生這三種缺曠課行為可以增加學生的學業表現。


This study discusses the relationship between learning attitudes and academic performance among junior college students aged below 18 years old. Absence behavior is an important index showing student learning attitudes, and is the reason why student absence behavior was used in this study to test for its effects on academic performance. This study surveyed 309 sophomore students in a junior college, all of whom were aged below 18 years old. This study used structural equation modeling to verify the main absence behaviors (including the behaviors of arriving late, cutting class, applying for lots of personal absence, and sick leaves) and whether these influence student academic performance. The global fit index of four related competing models were compared in this study, its result revealed that student academic performance is influenced by absence behavior, especially the behaviors of arriving late, cutting class, and applying for lots of personal absence. This results imply that the academic performance of junior college students can be improved by monitoring and decreasing these absence behaviors.


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