  • 期刊

How Can Web Advertising Influence Male and Female Beliefs?



一直以來,網路業者對於網路廣告投入相當多的資源,但是,卻很少注意到網路男女消費者對於網路廣告態度是否看法不同。本研究以「推敲可能模式」(ELM),試圖探討男女對於網路廣告的信息內容及呈現方式的感受信念是否有差異。與網路業者 (www.payeasy.com.tw)合作,藉由其購物者資料庫做網路廣告態度的網路問卷調查。實驗中所操弄的變項有:(1)廣告訴求(理性/感性);干擾變項有:(1)產品涉入程度(高/低);(2)男女;而依變項則是「網路廣告信念」。實驗採單變量組間實驗設計。男女對於網路廣告的態度研究結果發現:(1)男女皆喜歡高涉入程度產品以理性廣告呈現的方式;而低涉入程度產品則以感性廣告呈現;(2)男性比較喜歡理性廣告;而女性比較喜歡感性廣告。針對研究的發現,也提出對於網路業者在網路廣告的管理建議。


This paper reviews the application of ELM to understand how men and women differ in their evaluation of information content and the visual presentation used in web advertising. It verifies the ELM by examining several variables influencing consumers' beliefs of web ads. These variables include (a) advertising appeals (rational/emotional), (b) personal and product involvement (high/low), (c) the gender (female/male). A survey of 591 Internet users investigated by which a 2×2×2 ANOVA between-subjects experimental design is used to guide the research design and the systematic analysis procedure. The result of this finding is that in high-involvement situations, people are more likely to click a Web ad with a rational advertising appeal contrast than an ad with an emotional advertising appeal. Also we find that a rational advertising appeal ad contrast than an emotional advertising one is evaluated more favorably by males than females. Managerial implications for the user of these ad execution cues are discussed and future research avenues are proposed.


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