  • 期刊


Effectiveness of a Clinical Preceptor Program for New Staff Nurses


新進護理人員常因訓練期的學習情境影響其工作意願,造成離職率居高不下,本研究旨在探討接受臨床護理輔導員制度及傳統訓練之新進護理人員在護理能力、專業社會化及工作滿意度方面有何不同,護理人員及輔導員基本屬性對受輔導者之護理能力、專業社會化及工作滿意度之影響。 本研究以類實驗研究法進行,以隨機方法將十個性質相近內外科病房分為實驗組及對照組。於實驗組中選定13位臨床護理輔導員加以訓練。實驗組新進人員接受為期三個月之臨床護理輔導員輔導,對照組新進護理人員則接受傳統新進護理人員訓練。參與研究之護理人員分三時段施測護理能力、專業社會化量表,到職三個月時施測工作滿意度量表。護理長只施測護理能力量表。於88年6月至12月止收案,實驗組共10位,對照組15位。 結果發現接受臨床護理輔導員制度輔導的護理人員在護理能力總得分、人際關係/溝通及專業發展方面持續顯著增加,對照組之護理能力只有在到職後1.5月內有所差異。在專業社會化及工作滿意度方面兩組並無顯著差異。輔導員之工作年資與實驗組之病患照護及計劃/評值能力有顯著之正相關。接受專科畢業輔導員輔導者之教學/協調能力有統計意義。未來臨床應用中若能考量輔導員的選擇及加強訓練,應能提昇新進護理人員的適應能力。


The learning situation during the orientation period might influence the working willingness of new staff nurses and make the turnover rate high. The purpose of this study was to explore differences of nursing competency, professional socialization and job satisfaction among the new staff nurses who received the preceptor program or traditional orientation program. This study also wanted to explore the influence of the demographic variables of new staff nurses and preceptors on nursing competency, professional socialization and job satisfaction of new staff nurses. A qusai-experimental design was used in this study. Ten medical-surgical wards were randomly separated into an experimental group and a control group. Two or three preceptors were recruited in the preceptor training courses from each experiment unit.. New staff nurses in experimental group were trained by the preceptors for three months, while the new staff nurses received the traditional orientation program in the control group. All the nurses filled out the nursing competency scale and professional socialization scale in three stages, and finished the job satisfaction scale at 3 months after they were employed. The head nurses filled the nursing competency scale only. The study period was from June to December, 1999. There were 10 samples in experimental group and 15 samples in control group. Results of this study were as follows: (1)The nurses who received the preceptor program had total nursing competency scores, interpersonal relationship/communication subscale scores and professional development subscale scores which increased continuously after employment. The nursing competency of control group nurses increased only during the first 1.5 months. (2)There was no difference of professional socialization and job satisfaction between experimental and control group. (3)The patient care and planning/evaluation competency of the experimental group was positively related to the working years of preceptor. (4)The teaching/collaboration competency of nurses trained by college-graduated preceptor was significant higher than that of the control group. The selection criteria and training courses of preceptor program should be revised to improve the adaptation of new staff nurses while applying the preceptor program on clinical practice in future.


