  • 期刊


Satisfaction Survey of Community Physical Therapy Service in 921 Earthquake Post-Disaster Area




Purpose: Patient satisfaction is one of the import indicators of health quality. The purpose of this study was to investigate patient satisfaction of a government provided community physical therapy service program in 921 Earthquake Post-disaster Area. Methods: Patients who received outpatient physical therapy services during the period from January to August 2001 were sampled and stratified by service record number in each geographical area within 921 Earthquake Post-disaster Area. A total of 1160 patients were interviewed either in person or by telephone. Results: We assessed patient satisfaction in the following five domains: accessibility, availability, affordability, acceptability, and accommodation. For accessibility, 79.6% of the patients interviewed deemed it convenient to visit the clinic. For availability, 36.7% of the patients interviewed felt that the number of treatment sessions provided was not sufficient. The main reason given was the unavailability of therapists for additional appointments. For affordability, 99.4% of patients received the services for free. 83.8% of the patients who could afford the copayment would be willing to continue their therapy services under the National Health Insurance scheme. However, if they had to pay for the total amount of the service fees, only 43.6% of them would continue. For acceptability 80.4% of the patients had positive impression of the physical therapy service program; 79.0% and 95.7% of the patients rated the therapeutic effect and the attitude of physical therapists as good or very good. In the area of accommodation, 90% of the patients were appreciative of the convenience in the administration processes required for accessing physical therapy services. Conclusion: In general, patients in 921 Earthquake-disaster Area who received community physical therapy service program were appreciative of the services rendered. We suggest that such physical therapy service program should be kept or transformed into a community based physical therapy services.
