  • 期刊


Alterations in Red Blood Cell Parameters Following High-Intensity Resistance Exercise


長期運動訓練提升紅血球抗氧化能力並降低運動所產生的氧化傷害,而單次激烈運動提高紅血球的氧化傷害。本研究目的為探討血液中不同GOT 濃度對於單次阻力運動後紅血球參數之變化。本計畫募集14 名無運動習慣的大專生為受試者,空腹採血檢測GOT、GPT、肌酸酐及紅血球相關指標,依據血液中GOT 濃度分成高低兩組,進行單次85% 最大肌力的阻力運動,運動後再次採血檢測GOT、GPT、肌酸酐及紅血球相關指標。本實驗結果發現安靜狀態時,血液中GOT 濃度較高組有較高的GPT 濃度,而且在經過單次阻力運動後,高GOT 組的紅血球分布寬度、平均紅血球體積及肌酸酐變化量顯著高於低GOT 組,高GOT 組的平均紅血球血紅素及平均紅血球血紅素濃度變化量顯著低於低GOT 組。本研究結論為有較高的GOT 水準的一般大學生,紅血球體積分布會在高強度阻力運動後增加,可能代表處在較高氧化壓力或發炎狀態下的紅血球,較易因高強度阻力運動而破壞。


Long-term exercise training has been demonstrated to improve the antioxidant capacity of red blood cells and attenuate exercise-induced oxidative stress. On the other hand, acute exercise reported to elevate the oxidative stress in red blood cells. The present study was designed to examine the influence of glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) levels on alterations in red blood cell parameters following acute high-intensity resistance exercise in young adults. Fasting blood samples were collected from 14 male sedentary collegiate students for analyses of plasma GOT, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT), creatinine and several parameters of red blood cells. All students were assigned into high-GOT and low-GOT groups based on their baseline GOT levels. All participants were asked to complete the acute resistance exercise with 85% maximal muscle strength, and then blood samples were collected immediately after exercise. Results showed that participants' GPT levels were higher in high-GOT group under resting status. The change in red blood cell distribution width, mean corpuscular volume and creatinine levels were significantly greater in high-GOT group compared with the low-GOT group after acute resistance exercise. Moreover, the changes of mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were significantly lower in high-GOT group. These findings conclude that red blood cell distribution width is increased following high-intensity resistance exercise in sedentary collegiate students with high resting GOT level. The possible reasons for differences may be due to the destruction of red blood cells under high-intensity resistance exercise-induced oxidative stress or inflammation.


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