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Does Career Uncertainty Harms Student-Athletes' Life Satisfaction? The Buffering Role of Hope in Female Student-Athletes



The purpose of this study was to examine the three-way interaction effect among career uncertainty, hope, and gender of student-athletes on life satisfaction. Based on the conservation of resources theory, we proposed that a positive characteristic hope may mitigate the negative relationship between career uncertainty and life satisfaction in student-athletes. In addition, we pointed out that the two-way interaction effect would influence differently for different genders. We conducted an investigation on 655 National Collegiate Athletic Association athletes. The results showed that a three-way interaction effect among career uncertainty, hope, and gender of student-athletes. More specifically, career uncertainty was negatively associated with life satisfaction only in female student-athletes with low levels of hope. Furthermore, the negative relationship between career uncertainty and life satisfaction was weaker in female student-athletes with higher levels of hope. However, for male student-athletes, hope does not buffer the relation between career uncertainty and life satisfaction. This study concluded that hope buffered the negative effects of career uncertainty on life satisfaction only in female student-athletes. Our results provide relevant implications and applications for student-athletes' career development.




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