  • 期刊


Functional Analysis and Assistive Technology on Vocational Skills Training for Adolescents with Mental Retardation



本研究探討智障學生在洗車與平面清潔技藝訓練之表現水準,與教師在訓練中常 用之輔助策略,並就其訓練內容之功能性進行必要之修改與調整。研究對象在洗車方面有學生五十七名,教師八名及雇主八名。清潔方面,有學生二十一名,教師兩位及雇主一名。研究結果發現學生在洗車技藝訓練之參與度以打蠟與汽車內部清理部份為最高,其次為人工清洗車體,而在椅套拆換有將近六成學生未做這方面訓練,機器洗車則幾乎都未訓練。至於學生在洗車技能相關技能的表現,至少有五至六成的學生能獨立或在口語提示下完成,且在「工作表現評量表」上,除了少數涉及主動應變、自我監督與控制之能力較差外、其餘 項目均有半數以上表現尚可或很好。在平面清潔方面,涉及機器操作部份學校大部份未進行訓練,但本研究發現功能較佳的智障學生在這方面的可訓練潛能仍是不可輕估。教師在訓練中運用較多的替代性策略,包括由教師提供直接的協助,將困難步驟再作工作分析、調整工作項目與內容、調整學生的工作行為與反應方式、改變作業程序等。在改變所使用工具或提供輔助策略方面,只有部份為之。至於訓練內容的功能性,在涉及機器設備 的部份就因學校無此設備而未能訓練;在工作表現項目的重要性評量方面,也發現業者與教師均認為重要之工作行為,有的卻是智障學生最弱的部份,如何協助教師有系統評估工作環境的要求與個人能力限制上的落差,顯然是技藝教育與未來就業輔導時要努力的課題。




This study examined the performance levels of adolescents with mental retardation on car washing and floor cleaning tasks, investigated the assistive technology used on vocational skills training, and analyzed the functional implications of training contents.The participants of the study included 57 adolescents with mental retardation, 8 vocational training teachers and 8 employers for car washing part, and 21 adolescents with mental retardation, 2 vocational training teachers and one employer for floor cleaning part. The Task Analytic Assessment, Work Performance Rating Scale and The Work Behaviors Importance Rating Scale were developed to obtain the adolescents performance on both training contents and the perceptions of teachers and employers regarding the functional implication and assistive technology on car wash and floor cleaning.The results indicated most students with mental retardation demonstrated high participation and capacities on car waxing, interior cleaning and body washing, but about 60% had problem with changing seat covers and rarely had opportunity to try machine washing. Over half of trainees were able to perform the car wash related skills independently or with minimal verbal prompts, as well as to be regarded as ”very good” or ”moderate” according to the results of Work Performance Rating Scale except self monitoring and self control capacities. On floor cleaning tasks, trainees were not allowed to operate the sweeping machine and waxing machine due to security consideration. However the trainees with better functional capacities could perform well on most parts of floor cleaning.The assistive technology often used by vocational training teachers were focused on implementing prompt system (e.g. providing visual cues, oral hints), specifying the task analysis, task redesign, and work behavior readjustment. Very few cases involved high tech on job accommodation. The discrepancies existed between teachers and employers' expectations and thetrainees' performances. It is urgent to facilitate the teachers' competencies on ecological assessment and functional analysis of vocational skills training and the use of assistive technology.




