  • 期刊


Vegetation Analysis and Restoration Proposal for Landslide on the Midstream of Shihmen Reservoir Watershed


本研究於石門水庫集水區海拔500-1,500 m崩塌最頻繁之地區,設置50個植生工法已處理與未處理之崩塌地樣區,植群組成種類調查共紀錄72科161屬206種維管束植物。雙向矩陣群團分析結果,研究區內崩塌地植群型可分為A.臺灣澤蘭型;B.山黃麻型;C.五節芒型;D.揚波型;E.加拿大蓬-水麻型;F.羅滋草型;G.賽芻豆型。其中F、G型為植生工法已處理之區域,A、B、C、D、E型為天然更新佔優勢之植群型。本研究亦提供崩塌地植群復育之概念圖,可為針對崩塌地之植群演替及森林復育之相關概念逐一審視。


The study area from 500-1,500 m a.s.l. in Shimen Reservoir Watershed suffered from frequent landslides. We surveyed 50 vegetation plots on landslide sites, including untreated and treated with vegetation engineering. The results revealed that a total of 206 species in 161 genera and 72 families occurred in our landslide sites. The landslide vegetation could be classified through two-way cluster analysis, including 7 types: A. Eupatorium formosanum type; B. Trema orientalis type; C. Miscanthus floridulus type; D. Buddleia asiatica type; E. Conyza canadensis-Debregeasia orientalis type; F. Chloris gayana type; G. Macroptilium atropurpureus type. The types F and G were the treated sites, and others were untreated and naturally regenerated sites. We proposed the conceptual diagram of vegetation restoration on landslide to facilitate the practices of vegetation succession and forest restoration.
