  • 期刊

Anterior Approach for Posteromedial Tibial Plateau Fractures




後內側脛骨平台骨折是一種不尋常的傷害,其治療方式還未有定論。自2004年4月至2008年12月發現8位病患為後內側脛骨平台骨折,全部的病患都接受經前側探查手術。平均追蹤期間為21個月,平均膝關節活動角度為0度至123度。其中有7位病患是因騎乘輕型機車車禍受傷,車禍發生時機車的保護前檔板撞擊彎曲成90度的膝部。在最後追蹤中,全部8位有7位(比例88%)達到滿意的關節面復位,而全部的病患都達到令人滿意的膝部外型。手術後沒有發生神經或血管的損傷,也沒有發生淺層或深層的傷口感染。平均Hospital for Special Surgery knee評分是89分。結論:經前側探查的手術方式可以避免經後側探查手術發生的併發症,因此良好的功能恢復是可以期待的。


Fractures of the posteromedial tibial plateau are rare and their treatment is not well established. Between January 2004 and December 2008, eight patients with fractures of the posteromedial tibia plateau were identified. All patients were treated with fracture reduction using an anterior approach. After a mean follow-up of 21 months, the average range of knee motion was 0-123° of flexion. Seven patients had been injured in motor-scooter accidents, in which the protective front plate of the scooter had hit the knee while it was in the 90°-flexion position. At the final follow-up, 87.5% (7/8) patients had satisfactory reductions of the articular surface, and all patients had acceptable alignments. There were no neural or vascular injuries following surgery, and no superficial or deep infections. The average Hospital for Special Surgery Knee Score was 89. In conclusion, fracture reduction using the anterior approach is associated with fewer complications than the posterior approach, and good functional recovery can be expected.
