  • 期刊


Study of the Standard Setting by the Maximum Test Information




The purpose of this study is to adopt the concepts of IRT maximum test information to standard setting. At first, we are trying to discover three facets of interpretation in using the maximum test information to standard setting through the historical movement of standard setting. The three facets are component combination and adjustment, generalized test construction processes, and multiple validities. Based on these three concepts, we can easily explain the reasonableness and appropriateness of maximum test information approach. After that, we further investigate the reasonableness from the dimensions of definition of formula, item selections, and statistical power to establish the basic theory of the maximum test information approach in standard setting. In addition, we also examine the effects of exact classification of mastery/non-mastery based on the maximum test information approach, which is expecting to provide multiple evidences for validity. After analysis, the effect of exact classification of mastery/non-mastery may come to a satisfying result. We may have at least 90% exact classification performance. At the same time, we also find that the mastery standard deriving from the maximum test information approach may have some advantages for a reference point on the confidence interval. In sum, the maximum test information approach is a good method for standard setting.


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