  • 期刊


Reliability, Validity, and Measurement Invariance of Children's Five-Factor Personality Scale: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach




The purpose of this study was to develop the Children's Five-Factor Personality Scale and to test its reliability, validity and measurement invariance across gender. Due to the overly restrictive assumptions, confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) typically fail to support the five-factor structure of personality. We show that an approach of the exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), an integration of CFA and exploratory factor analysis (EFA), can overcome these problems. The items were originally developed based on the five-factor theory of personality and related literature, and were revised according to experts' comments. A pilot study with item analyses was conducted to evaluate psychometric quality of items and to select items. Later, using stratified cluster sampling method, a sample of 2,056 5th graders was collected from 28 elementary schools in Taiwan. An ESEM was conducted to exam the factor structures and compared with the CFA model. The final version of the scale includes 56 items. The construct validity, convergent validity and measurement invariance across gender were examined and discussed in the study. The results show the scale exert good reliability and validity with measurement invariance across gender.


李仁豪、陳怡君(2016)。IPIP 五大人格量表簡版的發展及其跨年齡層的測量不變性檢定。教育研究與發展期刊,12(4),87-119。doi:10.3966/181665042016121204004
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