  • 期刊


The Research of Evaluation Mechanism of Taiwan Employment Promotion Programs-the Application of the Policy Delphi




Since 1996, the unemployment rate continues to rise in Taiwan. The government made a great effort to expand domestic demand in order to stimulate the economy. It also took a series of measures to promote employment opportunity, such as the ”sustainable employment project.” The research has employed documentary analysis and Delphi method to evaluate the impacts of those employment promotion programs. According to the results of Delphi method, ”reemployment rate” was regarded as the most important indicator for evaluating the effect of employment promotion programs. The other two indicators were ”the fulfillment of program objectives” and ”the duration of reemployment”. Several suggestions are made. First, the characters of the unemployed should be carefully analyzed in order to match them with appropriate employment programs. Second, different measures are actually interrelated with each other. Those measures should be integrated for providing a package employment service. Third, those with better employability are suitable for job training schemes or loans; the others are suitable for public work or wage subsidy sachems. Finally, when the unemployment rate is low and stable, job training schemes and loan could be implemented; when the unemployment rate is high, public work and wage subsidy could be initiated.


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