  • 期刊


Discussion on Worship of Role-playing Ancestors in the "Book of Rituals"-Strengthening Connections with Ancestors in Energy Level




儀禮 尸祭 感通 能量


In the circulated version of the "Book of Rituals", chapters such as "Shi Yu" (士虞), "Te Sheng(特牲)" , "Shao Lao(少牢)" , and "You Si Che(有司徹)", provides detailed records of scholars in the Zhou Dynasty playing the role of ancestors during rituals. However, there is no discussion of the psychological significance of the events. This article aims to analyze this form of worship from physical, emotional, and spiritual angles. In particular, it focuses on the hidden attempts to strengthen connections with ancestors at an energy level, through precepts and fasting, clothing, meal offerings, and a particular use of language. The sources are derived from ancient Confucian scriptures, as well as modern western and foreign views. The worship of role-playing ancestors treats the deceased as if they were still living, to continue taking care of parents in the afterlife. The ritual aims to painstakingly repeat the events of real life, in order to effect communication between the living and the deceased, through the playing out of life events during the rite. The goal is to strengthen the continuation and the connection of family relationships at an energy level.


弗雷澤(J. G. Frazer)著,汪培基譯(1991)。《金枝:宗教與巫術之研究》(The Golden Bough)。臺北:桂冠圖書公司。
弗雷澤(J. G. Frazer)著,童煒鋼譯(2011)。《《舊約》中的民俗》(Folklore in the Old Testiment)。上海:復旦大學出版社。
安德魯.紐柏格(Andrew Newberg),尤金.達基里(Eugene d'Aquili),文斯.勞斯(Vince Rause)著,鄭清榮譯(2003)。《超覺玄祕體驗》(Why God won't go away)。臺北:時報文化公司。
