  • 期刊

The Devil's Habits and Exorcism in the Catholic Church: Father Amorth's Account



The Italian priest Fr. Gabriele Amorth (1925-2016) gave a singular contribution to the life of the Catholic Church: the rediscovery of exorcism's importance after many years of oblivion. Through his many publications, he divulged his lifelong experience of being an exorcist. Although the devil's existence and his evil activity are a matter of Christian faith, they were often theoretically or practically denied even inside the Church. The devil and other demons can operate in multiform ways: ordinary activity, like temptation, and extraordinary activity, like possession, vexation, obsession and infestation. These phenomena have to be distinguished from mental illnesses that can present similar symptoms, but whose causes are different: natural for the former, supernatural-diabolic-for the latter. Consequently, these problems must be addressed with different solutions: medical care for common illnesses, and exorcisms and other spiritual aid for diabolic pathologies. The devil often works with the cooperation of people, who, more or less consciously, approach the world of occultism: magic, spiritism, Satanism. Exorcism and prayers of deliverance can help a person to liberate oneself from a possession or other demonic disturbances. However, a sincere conversion to God and a strengthening of the faith are required to obtain a complete and durable liberation. Exorcism is not magic, but a faithful prayer to the Christian God.




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Amorth, G. (1999). An Exorcist Tells His Story. San Francisco, CA.: Ignatius Press.
Amorth, G. (2000). Esorcisti e Psichiatri. Bologna, Italy: EDB.
Amorth, G. (2002). An Exorcist: More Stories. San Francisco, CA.: Ignatius Press.
Amorth, G. (2016). An exorcist explains the demonic: the antics of Satan and his army of fallen angels. Manchester, England: Sophia.
Amorth, G. & Fezzi, E. (2018). Father Amorth: my battle against Satan. Manchester, England: Sophia.
