  • 期刊

Prevalence and Correlates of Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly of Rural Communities in Southern Taiwan



本研究之目的在探討南台灣鄉間老人之精神憂鬱程度及盛行率,人口學特質對憂鬱程度之影響,及生活壓力源與憂鬱程度之相關性。本研究探橫斷式研究設計,藉由一對一面對面會談法,收集195位居住於南部鄉間老人的資料。研究工具包括老人憂鬱短量表(GDS-SF)及台灣老人壓力源量表(TESI),分別測量個案精神憂鬱的程度與盛行率,及壓力源。研究結果顯示,57%的個案之 GDS-SF 分數在7分或以上(M=7.58;SD=3.89),表示大多數個案有精神憂鬱的情況。性別、教育程度、婚姻狀況、居住情形和社會經濟地位則會影響老人精神憂鬱程度。女性較男性易患憂鬱。不識字者、鰥寡孤獨者、無伴同居住者、及低收入者憂鬱程度較高。本研究亦發現憂鬱和疼痛、不舒適、睡眠習慣改變等十九個生活壓力源有相關。研究成果不僅可促使台灣地區健康照顧專業人員更了解鄉問老人之憂鬱程度及生活壓力源與憂鬱之相關性,並可作為台灣未來鄉間老人健康照護、服務計劃和措施之參考,以提升鄉間老人的生活品質。


The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and level of depressive symptoms and the influence of demographic characteristics on depressive symptoms in elders residing in rural Taiwan. Also, the association was explored between depressive symptoms and life stressors in the Taiwanese Elderly Stress Inventory (TESI). A cross-sectional design utilizing face-to-face administered instruments was used. A total of 195 older community residents participated in the study. Levels of depressive symptoms were measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale - Short Form (GDS-SF) while life stressors were assessed with the Taiwanese Elderly Stress Inventory (TESI). Overall, 57% of the subjects had a GDS-SF score of 7 or above (M 7.58, SD 3.89), indicating that the majority were depressed. Additionally, gender, educational level, marital status, living arrangements, and socioeconomic status (SES) were significant factors to depressive symptoms. Women were more likely to experience depression than men. Elders who had received no formal education, were separated from their spouse due to death or divorce, lived alone, or had lower SES were at higher risk of more severe depression. Also, significant correlations were found between depressive symptoms and 19 stressors identified in the TESI. These stressors mostly include events related to physical functioning and family issues. The findings of this study will provide community health professionals in Taiwan with a better recognition of depressive symptoms in rural elders and stressors that are associated with depressive symptoms. This information can be used to plan health-related services and interventions for rural elders.


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