  • 期刊

Unbearable Weight: Young Adult Women's Experiences of Being Overweight



由於體重過重對健康的不良影響,瘦身美體產業對纖瘦體型的大肆行銷,體重過重 被賦予負面的形象。建立自我形象、尋求社會認同及選擇伴侶是年輕女性的發展任 務,此時往往對體重及身材比較關注。為深入瞭解自覺體重過重之年輕女性的生活 經驗,探究體重過重概念的形成及其影響,以立意取樣訪談五個個案,採半結構式 訪談收集資料,並以質性方法為基礎,持續比較法進行內容分析。研究中,年輕女 性的描繪揭示著:(1) 社會對體重過重者充滿負面印記;(2) 在追求吸引力或健康二者間的取捨過程中,充滿了自我掙扎的軌跡; (3) 減肥及自我控制的過程是一永無止境的奮戰。年輕女性的真心告白啟發我們,社會需建立競爭性形象,對抗對纖瘦 體型的偏執;本著對體重過重經驗的深入了解,護理人員在減重瘦身風氣中,應扮 演更積極的角色,維護國人身心健康。


Being over weight is a hazard to health. Over weight people have a very negative image due to the marketing strategies for weight reduction and beauty products. Young women establishing self-image, seeking affirmation of social peers, and looking for potential mates are usually concerned about their weight and figure. To investigate the experience of young women who think they are over weight, how they come to think in this way, and the impact of this thinking, this qualitative pilot study con ducted semi-structured inter views with five participants. On the basis of the qualitative method, data was subjected to constant comparison and con tent analysis. The phenomenon can thus be described in three major categories: (1) Social labeling of the over weight - a slim image is overwhelmingly preferred; (2) Pursuing attractive ness or health - a self-struggling process; (3) Weight reduction and self control - an endless struggle. The result of the study suggests there is a need for a competitive image to counter current obsessions with pain fully slender figures in society. To protect the public’s men t al and physical health, nurses should play an active role in weight education based on a deeper and more dynamic under standing of being over weight.


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