  • 期刊


The Feasibility Analysis of Give Priority to the Implementation of Absentee Voting for the Indigenous Legislative Election




Our country has tried to carry out the absentee voting system for many years. Ministry of Interior has already planned to implement absentee voting first to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election. A voter can apply to vote absentee in the different county; however, a voter still needs to arrive at the polling station during the limited time at the voting date by him or herself. Indigenous Legislative Election belongs to the single electoral district, so the impact of absentee voting is much less than the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election. Considering the indigenous people, who have the higher migrated population and the lower voting rate, spend higher money on the transportations for returning domicile to vote; therefore, it is more suitable to give priority to the implementation of absentee voting for the Indigenous Legislative Election. This article was mainly concerned through the perspective of politics, laws, administrations, economy, society, technologies and time to analyze the feasibility of constituency transfer for the Indigenous Legislative Election. The article was divided into six parts; the first part is introduction; the second part is the analysis of the situation of the past Indigenous Legislative Election; the third part is a brief description of absentee voting; the fourth part is the feasibility analysis of absentee voting; the fifth part is comprehensive views and discussions as references for the policies and the last part is conclusion.


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