  • 期刊


Comparison of Physical Fitness for Centrifuge Rider Matched with Similar Conditions


人體離心機提供了一個評鑑戰鬥機飛行員+Gz耐力的實用工具,然而,有些混淆的因子包括身高、性別、年齡、肌肉質量、抗G動作的優劣、飛行時數、和動機等,均可能影響評鑑的結果,必須一併考量之。 本研究選取82位人體離心機中、高級訓練的戰鬥機飛行員為樣本,並根據年齡(±5歲)、身高(±公分)、機種G荷(同型)、抗G動作(優良)、和乘載經驗(初訓)等條件予以匹配,然後分成兩組。完訓組(N=44)為通過所有的必要和自選流程,未完訓組(N=44)為通過所有的必要流程和除SCAM外的自選流程。他們的體脂率、淨體重、和身體質量指數,以及無氧能力分別以身體組成分析儀和腳踏車式測功計測量之。 本研究的結果顯示無氧能力和身體組成雖無顯著的組間差異,但各年齡層的上、上肢功率和淨體重皆有相當的正相關;體重過重對+Gz耐力亦有負面的影響,可能是不利於肌力的發展和容易導致肌肉的疲乏。這些結果說明了個體較佳的體適能狀況有利於G耐力和G耐力時間,但動機是促成全程完訓不可忽略的因素。


Introduction. Human centrifuge has provided a practical tool for evaluating +Gz tolerance of fighter pilots. However, some confounded factors including stature, gender, age, muscle mass, anti-G straining maneuver (AGSM), flight hours, and motivation should be combined into consideration when determining individual G-level tolerance. Methods. The records of original phase centrifuge training from 82 jet fighter pilots were selected in this study. They were divided into two groups matched with age (±5 ages), height (±5 cm), G-load of aircraft (same model), skill of AGSM (good grading), and centrifuge experience (first ride). Group 1 (N=41) consisted of subjects who completed all mandatory and option profiles. Group 2 (N=41) consisted of subjects who completed each mandatory profile except SACM profile. Their body fat, lean body weight (LBW), body mass index and anaerobic capacity (AC) were measured using body composition analyzer and bicycle ergometer respectively. Results. In general, no significant difference in anaerobic capacity and body composition was found between Gr. 1 and Gr. 2. But positive correlation between LBW and AC was mostly statistically significant. Overweight seemed to be adverse to +Gz tolerance, which might be due to the reduced muscle strength development and less fatigue resistance. Conclusion. These consequences indicate that better conditioning of extremes and higher lean body weight will be beneficial to individual +Gz tolerance and endurance. However, motivation could not be ignored as a psychological factor for going through the challenge.
