  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Built Environment in Physical Activities Promotion




Physical inactivity has become a global health issue. It not only causes increased mortality rates, but also has negative effects on economic and public policy. The built environment deeply influences prevalence of physical activity. This article provides an introductory review of the literature containing 4 areas of the built environment namely, walkability, bike pathways, green space and sport facilities, and how these relate to physical activity levels. This review has numerous findings. (1) Residents who live in high-walkability areas spent more time walking as their mode of transportation. (2) The intended benefit of constructing bike pathways is to encourage the use of bikes for transportation, but the relationship between construction of bike pathways and the resulting change in total physical activity is not clear. (3) The research findings vary with regard to the relationship between parks and green spaces, and residents' physical activity, because in some cultures parks are not the primary location for physical activity due to climatic conditions and availability of facilities. (4) Many studies using Geographic Information System (GIS) found that the number of neighborhood sport facilities has positively influences physical activity. However, there are some contrary results. We speculate it was affected by categories of sport facilities and their payment systems. (5) There have been no policy influencing studies in Taiwan to evaluate the benefit of built environment improvements on physical activity. The result of this review can be used as guidance for government divisions of urban planning, physical education and health authorities.


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