  • 期刊


Somewhere in the Cloudy Mountain: Temple of the Azure Clouds in Guan Tz Ling



關子嶺碧雲寺,爲台南地區聞名全台的「水火同源」勝地附近的古剎,創建於清嘉慶13年(1808年),至今已有二百餘年歷史。由於碧雲寺創建者應祥法師爲正統佛教僧侶,故本廟至今仍保留許多佛教儀典及法事、法會筆活動,這是相對於台灣其他眾多寺廟雜祖化、佛道不分而言,比較純粹且難能可貴的一座佛寺,(雖然,近代以來也有日趨雜才已化的趨向)。 碧雲寺的另一重要特色,乃在其位於關子嶺山林之間,清籟幽絕,非如同座落在城市街衢之擁擠吵雜諸寺廟可比。在配置及格局,深具國人擇基選址所需要的充份彈性,以及佛寺基本建築空間形制的開展條件,因此,這對於研究台灣正統佛寺建築空間發展史而言,是極有價值的一個重要個案。 當然自創建迄今,碧雲寺已經歷多次的重建整修,今所知修建紀錄,前後有道光12年(1832年)、光緒6年(1880年)、昭和9年(1934年)及光復後民國43年(1954年)、55年(1966年)、59年(1970年)、67年(1978年)等次的整建修葺,且因使用功能的需求,增建了許多附屬建築物,但所幸重要建築的配置格局、建築裝飾,以及相關歷史文物仍大體留存下來,深具古蹟價值,遂被指定爲台南縣縣定古蹟。


Temple of the Azure Clouds in Guan Tz Ling of Tainan County is a historical temple, which is known for its nearby sightseeing ”fire-water hole”. The temple was built in the 13th year of the Jia Ching Reign in the Qing Dynasty (i.e. 1808 AD), and it has been more than two hundred years now. Because the founder of the temple, Dharma Master Ying Shiang, was a legitimate monk, so far, this temple has still kept abundant Buddhist rituals, religious affairs, and assemblies for worship. Compared to other temples in Taiwan, which have intermingled Buddhism and Daoism and blended diverse worship, Temple of the Azure Clouds, this kind of genuine Buddhist temple, is very scarce. However, there is a trend of mingling worship appearing in recent years. Another important feature of the Temple of the Azure Clouds is its location. It is located in the forest of Guan Tz Ling, where is quiet and peaceful, and its surroundings are very different from those sat in crowded and noisy city streets. Its disposition and layout are flexible, its space is open and wide as a Buddhist temple's architectural structure needs, and that is the reason people chose here to build this temple. Therefore, this temple is worth being studied for architectural space development of Taiwan classic Buddhist temple.


