  • 期刊


The Relations between Christians and Muslims in the Islamic Sicily-A Preliminary Study


西西里島早在希臘羅馬時期就已作為糧食產地登上了歷史舞台,這樣的情況持續到拜占庭帝國統治時期。當時序到了八世紀,阿拉伯人風馳電掣的征服大片領土,西西里島也在這股浪潮中被穆斯林占據統治。伊斯蘭政權為當地帶來了先進的文明,在不斷的伊斯蘭化下,西西里島與伊比利半島一樣成為了當時歐洲少數高度發展的區域。十一世紀初,戰亂不斷的伊斯蘭政權被諾曼人征服,西西里島的政權回歸到基督徒手中,然而整個西西里島的伊斯蘭化在諾曼人初期幾位君主的帶領下仍維持下去,直到教宗高喊收復聖地而發起十字軍東征才有所扭轉。穆斯林在這樣的時代狂潮下,處境越來越嚴峻,即使到了神聖羅馬帝國入主西西里島後仍未改變。神聖羅馬帝國的斐特烈二世(Friedrich II, 1194-1250)樂於接納伊斯蘭文明,在他的統治下西西里島文明綻放最後一次光輝,但此時穆斯林與基督徒的關係已幾近水火不容,在西西里島的穆斯林不是被遷往義大利就是改宗,最後終於在安茹家族(House of Anjou)的查理一世(Charles of Anjou, 1226-1285)統治下完全消失。


Sicily has been a grain-producing island since the Greco-Roman period, and this situation lasted until the Byzantine Empire. By the 8th century, the Arabs had swiftly conquered large territory, and Sicily was also occupied by Muslims in the wave. The Islamic regimes brought advanced civilization to the region. Under constant Islamization, Sicily, like Andalusia, became one of the developed regions of high civilization in Europe at that time. In the early 11th century, Sicily suffered from wars and the island was vanquished by the Normans; then, the political power of Sicily returned to the Christians. However, the Islamization of Sicily still continued under the reigns of early Norman monarchs until the Pope provoked to recover the holy city Jerusalem and launched the Crusade. Under such zeitgeist, the dilemma of Muslims grew more critical gradually, even after the Holy Roman Empire entered Sicily. Frederick II, the emperor of Holy Roman Empire, was willing to accept the civilization of Islam. Under his rule, the last glory of Sicily bloomed. However, the relations between the Christians and Muslims turned into its dark period. In this very situation, Muslims in Sicily were either forced to move into Italy or convert to Christianity, and finally, they vanished under the House of Anjou.


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