  • 期刊


Secularism in Monastic Life: Implicit Acceptance of Secularism in The Biographies of Eminent Monks




慧皎 《高僧傳》 人物品鑑 名士


Huijiao claimed that "many biographies written in the past primarily focused on monk's fame, however, fame should be subjected to actuality," therefore he was determined to compile The Biographies of Eminent Monks to acknowledge the "virtues" and "actuality" of monks. However, how could "eminence" be determined? First, Huijiao divided monks' merits into ten categories and called them "Ten Categories of Moral Conducts and Merits." He then evaluated contributions made by monks to determine whether they could be included in The Biographies of Eminent Monks. The "Ten Categories of Moral Conducts and Merits" included contributions made by monks to "monastic life," however, these monks' intentions were to bring Buddhist teachings to the populace and save them. Consequently, assessments made by the "secular" world validated monks' actual performance in terms of the "Ten Categories of Moral Conducts and Merits," which was why Hujiao repeatedly mentioned factors associated with the "secular" world in monks' biographies. These factors included: 1. Acceptance by "people of the time," including monks' titles, nicknames for unique physical features, speculations on the levels that monks attained in self-cultivation, monks' ability to engage in witty conversations, etc. 2. Comparisons of monks to famous scholars, Hujiao quoted literati's comparison of monks to famous scholars as signs of acceptance by the secular world; 3. Acceptance of monks' ability to conduct themselves like famous scholars, Huijao considered this ability to be indications of true feelings; 4. Acceptance of "righteousness" and "filial piety," Huijiao's criteria for "actuality" and "virtues" were based on monks' reactions when their states suffered devastating misfortunes, on the other hand, he considered monks' filial acts to be evidence of "virtues" and "actuality." These "secular" factors effectively exemplified monks' virtues and demonstrated that the "Ten Categories of Moral Conducts and Merits" were not detached from the real world, but deeply rooted in the human world.


〔唐〕房玄齡 Fang Xuanling 等著,楊家駱 Yang Jialuo 主編:《新校本晉書并附編六種二》Xinjiaoben jinshu bing fubian liuzhong er,臺北 Taipei:鼎文書局 Dingwen shuju,1975 年。
牟宗三 Mou Zongsan:《才性與玄理》Caixing yu xuanli,臺北 Taipei,臺灣學生書局 Taiwan xuesheng shuju,1978 年。
紀贇 Ji Yun:《慧皎《高僧傳》研究》Huijiao Gaoseng zhuan yan jiu,上海Shanghai:上海古籍出版社 Shanghai guji chubanshe,2009 年。
陳志遠 Chen Zhiyuan:《六朝佛教史研究論集》Liuchao fojiaoshi yanjiu lunji,新北 New Taipei:博揚文化 Boyang wenhua,2020 年。
〔北涼〕曇無讖 Tanwuchen 譯:《大般涅槃經》Dabo niepan jing,收入《大藏經》刊行會 Dazangjing kanxinghui 編輯:《大正新脩大藏經》Dazheng xinxiu dazangjing 第 12 冊,臺北 Taipei︰新文豐出版公司 Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi,1996 年。
