  • 期刊


A Comparison Study of Information Communication Effect on Internet between Otaku and Mass-Consumer


才タク市場の研究(2005)發現御宅族對新商品的接受度高,也有強大的消費意願與消費能力。部份企業認為可將御宅族做為一個前測市場,觀察御宅族所創造出的新消費方式及新商品附加價值,再向一般消費者推出改良的新商品。 為了確認其可行性,本研究的研究目的有二。首先是確認在台灣是否有與日本御宅族類似的族群存在。第二個研究目的則是確認這樣的族群與一般消費者在不同訊息來源的溝通效果是否有所不同。本研究引用日本御宅族的定義,依該族群的人格特質將台灣的消費者區分成具高度御宅族特性的族群及御宅程度低的一般消費者,並依據訊息來源的分類法則以行銷/非行銷及互動/非互動等變數組合構成四個象限,選出網路上的企業網站(行銷•非互動)、官方論壇(行銷•互動)、網路新闈(非行銷•非互動)、論壇(非行銷•互動)等四種不同的訊息來源,來觀測御宅族與一般消費者在這四種電子媒體上的認知、情感以及行為上的溝通效果是否有所不同。 研究結果顯示台灣確有如日本御宅族類似的族群存在,且此族群在企業網站及論壇的溝通效果優於一般消費者。


Japanese Otaku Market Research (2005) reported that Otaku tends to accept new products and has ambition and ability to purchase new products. Some corporations thus choose Otaku market as a test market to observe new consuming patterns and to find new additional values of products, which will then be refined and introduced to general consumers. To examine the viability of choosing Otaku market as a test market, we set up this research. Two aims of the research are established. The first is to reveal whether there is a population in Taiwan similar to Japanese Otaku. The second is to ensure whether Taiwanese Otaku also shows different communication effects from general consumers in various electronic media. Japanese definition to Otaku is employed in our research. According to this definition, we classify Taiwanese consumers into Otaku group and general consumer group. According to various sources of information, we select four different electronic media- corporate websites, corporate forums, online news, and online forums- for observing different effects from these two groups on perceptional, emotional, and behavioral communication. Our research indicates that Otaku group does exist in Taiwan society. Similar to Japanese Otaku, Taiwanese Otaku also behaves communication effect in corporate websites and forums better than general consumers do.


Otaku Internet message source communication effect


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