  • 期刊


An Exploratory Study of Keyword Ad's Clicking Behavior


近年來網路廣告市場隨網路崛起而快速成長,根據Internet Advertising Bureau 2008年的報告顯示,關鍵字廣告已成為第二大網路廣告形式,佔總體網路廣告量之34%。由於關鍵字行銷開始越來越受廣泛運用,因此如何衡量關鍵字廣告是否有效,將成為極為重要的研究課題。本研究試圖探究網路使用者對關鍵字廣告的點擊行為,並驗證在不同搜尋引擎、不同搜尋目的、及不同特性的關鍵字下,如何影響網路使用者點擊及瀏覽關鍵字廣告。 本研究於透過創市際市場研究顧問公司之NetRover(上標 TM)軟體即時蒐集1927位網路使用者的關鍵字點擊瀏覽資料共計1026筆。研究結果發現,網路關鍵字廣告的平均點擊率為1.328%。進一步比較Yahoo!與Google發現兩者的關鍵字點擊率並無顯著差異。其次根據使用者對搜尋引擎的依賴程度進行分析,有趣的是低依賴程度的網路使用者反而比較傾向點選關鍵字廣告;而Yahoo!的使用者又比Google使用者有更高的點擊率。再就點擊後的行為深入分析發現,Google的使用者點擊關鍵字廣告後有較長的停留時間;指向型搜尋使用者的停留時間亦顯著較長;品牌相關關鍵字廣告也會讓使用者有較長的停留時間。最後,本文根據上述研究發現進行點擊行為相關成因的討論,並對網路廣告策略應用提出相關建議。


Recently, the growth of internet advertising increases dramatically as the internet surges. According to Internet Advertising Bureau's 2008 report, it shows keyword advertising has become the second largest type of internet advertisement, containing the 34% of total online advertising. Since keyword marketing has been applied diversely, how to analyzing the effects of keyword advertising becomes very important. The purpose of this study is to explore internet users clicking behavior toward keyword advertisements. Furthermore, this study also tries to analyze users' clicking behavior under different search engines, different search objectives and searching different types of keywords online. This study used Insightxplorer's NetRover(superscript TM) software to track real-time clicking behavior from 1927 online users. Based on analyzing 1026 clicking records of keyword advertisements, the results showed that the click-through rate of keyword advertisements is 1.328%. In addition, we found no difference in click-through rate between two major search engines, Yahoo! and Google. However, the findings were very interesting that online users with low dependency in search engines had significantly higher click-through rate on keyword advertisements than those who with high dependency. Furthermore, it showed that Google users have longer duration on clicking keyword advertisements than Yahoo! users. Navigational searching users also have longer duration after clicking keyword advertisements than resource searching users. The clicking on brand-relevant keyword advertisements also contribute longer duration than clicking on brand-irrelevant keyword advertisements. Finally, this article analyzes and discusses the reasons of clicking behavior and provides several implications for internet keyword advertising.


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創市際市場研究顧問(2010年6月17日)。背景資料。2010年6月17日, 取自:http://www.insightxplorer.com/aboutus/background.html


