  • 期刊


Cross-Strait Relations and the Development of Issues about South China Sea





The author constructs the function on the basis of the original form of the South China Sea issue-Bilateral disputes variables, and then, gradually introduces the Sino-US relations; the strategy of balancing the powers of Philippines, Vietnam and other countries; the cross-strait relations, and the policy on southeast Asia of Taiwan, all of which are variables that have direct or indirect impact on the South China Sea issue. From a Series of Analysis on the South China Sea issue, we can conclude that the impact of the cross-strait relations on this issue can not be ignored, which has not only the specific relationship with the variables of the South China Sea issue, but also has impact on the integrity and effectiveness of the peaceful settlement on this issue through international arbitration. It is urgently that the two sides should cultivate understanding and consensus on the South China Sea issue, under the premise of the safeguarding of the interests of China.
