  • 期刊

葛超智(George H. Kerr)、託管論與二二八事件之關係

George H. Kerr, Trusteeship, and the 228 Incident


關於二二八事件的研究,一般大多從國內史的角度,論述當時在政策、社會與經濟各層面的問題,但卻極少有從與外國關係之角度,探討與事變間的糾葛。本文主要從美國與臺灣之關係,探討「託管論」對二二八事件之發生與其結果所產生之影響。此一課題,至目前爲止,是研究二二八學者尚少論及者。 本文所根據之資料,除包括已公開出版之政府檔案,如國史館檔案、省文獻會檔案、戡亂時期重要文件分案輯編、南京第二歷史檔案館檔案及民間出版私藏檔案外,也利用美國已解密之官方機密檔案,更利用目前新出版的葛超智資料。 託管論的產生可追溯至大戰後期,美國爲號召臺灣人協助抗日之時;戰後初期,由於臺灣長官公署的腐敗,重新引起臺灣民眾與社會菁英的討論。但是,在二二八事件前,由於人民仍相信並期待政府實行地方自治之誠意,是以此時臺灣人的主流主張,則是「自治」。另一方面,因爲陳儀政府的腐敗,而招致內外強烈的批評,使得陳儀政府對於臺灣人接近或親近美國領事館一事,充滿猜忌與怨恨之心。事件爆發之後,陳儀爲推卸政治責任,要求派兵鎮壓,爲報復批判等諸因素,而誣指栽贓臺灣人菁英與美國人勾結,意圖叛國,因而造成許多人無辜被捕身亡。「託管主張」遂成爲陳儀要求鎮壓以及整肅異己之藉口。


Most studies on the 228 Incident focus on the political, social, and economic problems related to the incident from the viewpoint of national history. Rarely do they investigate it from the viewpoint of foreign relations, and discuss its relationships with other nations. This paper aims to look at the incident from Sino-American relationships, focusing on the impact of trusteeship on the incident. We have used a number of materials: published governmental documents, e.g., archives at Academia Historica, archives at Taiwan Historica, A Compilation of Important Documents of the Civil War Period, archives at the Second Archives Office of Nanking, personal collections, American official secret archives, and George H. Kerr materials. The theory of trusteeship can be traced back to the end of the war when the USA asked Taiwan to help resist the Japanese. The theory was taken up again after the war by the general public and the elites of the society. But before the 228 Incident, people believed that the Chen Yi government would grant them regional autonomy. However, Chen Yi was too corrupted to mean well, and forbad people to stay close to the American Consulate, leading to the Incident of 228. Chen Yi asked the central government to send troops to quell the riots, and began to take revenge on those with different views. As a result, many people, especially the elites, were killed. Thus trusteeship became an excuse for Chen Yi to quell the riots.




