  • 期刊


The Extermination of the Communist Army in Shensi by Nationalist Central Army Chen Cheng's Role as the Army Leader


民國25年2月20日,陝北共軍在毛澤東、彭德懷率領下,假「抗日」之名,傾巢東渡黃河進犯山西。太原綏靖公署主任閻錫山在不得已的情況下,只得電請中央速派有力部隊入晉援剿,至5月初,終將來犯共軍擊退。這是民國史上中央軍首度進入山西,因此中央如何化解山西當局長久以來的戒心,使其與中央相互合作,實有加以探討之必要。 本文主要在探討閻錫山請調中央軍的時間及電文內容爲何?陳誠入晉指揮的緣由?軍事委員會委員長蔣中正的剿共策略有何變化?閻錫山對此有何質疑?蔣委員長和陳誠對入晉中央軍之兵力有何不同看法?最後則指出中央軍參與山西剿共,雖未能達成殲滅共軍於晉西之作戰目的,然能以短短一個半月時間,將共軍逐出晉西,使其東進山西建立根據地的野心破滅,不能不說是軍事上成功之處。更值得吾人注意的是其所顯示的歷史意義-中央軍常川駐晉與陳誠重要性日益顯著。


中央軍 共軍 蔣委員長 閻錫山 陳誠


On February 20 of 1936, the communist army led by Mao Tse-tung and Peng Te-huai crossed the Yellow River and entered Shensi, pretending to help resist the Japanese. The director of the Government Office of Pacification at Tai-yuan, Yen His-shan, could not but ask the Central Government to send troops to help terminate the communist army. In May the communist army was defeated and driven out of Shensi. This was the first time the troops of the Central Government entered Shensi. How the Central Government appeased the Shensi area was an important task at that time. What was the content of the telegram sent by Yen Hsi-shan to the Central Government? Why was Chen Cheng sent to Shensi? How did Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek formulated his strategies to exterminate the communists? How did Yen Hsi-shan feel about them? How did Chiang and Chen look at the exterminating forces? These are the questions this paper wishes to address. We conclude that it was a great achievement for the Central Government to form alliance with the local government in driving the communists out of Shensi within a short period of only one and half months although the communists were not completely terminated. What was more important was that Chen Cheng had gradually gained importance after the event.


