  • 期刊


Insights on Chan Shi Dao's poetic claim "Better raw but not crafted"




陳師道 樸拙 寧拙毋巧 意切 後山詩話


As one of the important poets in Song Dynasty, Chen Shi Dao is embraced altogether with Du Fu, Huang Ting Jian, Chan Yu Yi as "One source Three streams" by Jiangxi School of Poetry. Therefore he is always a focus that gathers a lot of spotlight in academia. His Hou Shan Shi Hua is also an important piece of literature in the study of Song ShiHua. Today scholars studying Hou Shan Shi Hua tend to quote "better raw but not crafted, better plain but not gaudy, better forthright but not frail, better rare but not common" arguing that Chan creates his work with intentions of writing raw lines, and further elaborating this as the causes of his raw poetic style. However, author shares a different point of view saying that Chan does not really pursue the representation of rawness. Rawness is only one of the representation based on the opposition of the crafted. What Chan really pursues is accuracy of meaning and of feeling. Whether to be raw or to be crafted is relatively minor in this sense, they are too just means to achieve the goal of accuracy of feeling and meaning.


[宋]陳師道,《後山詩話》。臺北:藝文印書館,1967年據《百川學海》本影印。 Chen Shi Dao: Hou Shan Shi Hua, Taipei: Yee Wen Publishing Company, 2006.
