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Moral Capacity or Social Achievement? Green and Bosanquet on the Ethical Roots of Rights




Theory of rights is one of the most important parts of modern moral and political thought. However, since the theory has close relationship with the Western natural law and natural rights tradition, its development and practice in the non-Western world have encountered criticisms and doubts. Hence, the present article aims to explore and demonstrate what the rights recognition theory, which has developed by Green and Bosanquet, the two famous nineteenth-century British political thinkers, from their criticisms of natural rights theory, can illuminate and inspire us concerning the practice of modern rights theory. The article will discuss Green's and Bosanquet's theory and their continuity and difference from three dimensions: the origin of rights, the institution of rights, and the recognition and requirement of being a right-holder, after indicating the connections between their criticisms of natural rights theory and their theories. By these, we can find that although Green and Bosanquet have different views of the crux of rights justification, for it be moral capacity by human nature or social achievement, the right, as a legal device set by the state for protecting individual freedom, its root for both of them is people's ordinary practices and social relationships, and the ethical norms embodied in them. For the non-Western world, this rights recognition theory would thus provide some insights in finding the local rights discourse.


Beck, Gunnar(2006).Immanuel Kant's Theory of Rights.Ratio Juris.19(3),371-401.
