  • 期刊


Discuss the Enlightenment from Reciting History Narrative - Take "Long Wen Bian Ying" As an Example




蒙書 典故 道德認知 基模


"Long Wen Bian Ying" is a textbook for ignorant people during the Wan-Li emperor in the Ming Dynasty. This textbook is used to promote the children's literacy ability and poetry composition. The constituent structure of the textbook is four words to form a sentence, and two sentences to form a couplet which is a formation in rhyme. The allusion collects historical notables monuments which is included The Four Books. The subject-matter area is multiple with science(difficult to recite), history, ethics, and social study, etc. The content is multifarious and disorderly that it is not friendly enough for the readers. Moreover, it is because of the evolution of the era that the researcher sifts out the suitable content of the textbook. This study analyzed the subject matters of the textbook. It briefly divided the story category into two fields - Knowledge Enlightenment and Ethics Cognition. The researcher examines the story enlightenment through the aspect of cognitive psychology. It means that students listen to the story, absorb the implication of the story, then make those words and expression become their schema. This kind of inner language schema will gradually evolve into the social personality of adapting environment and the learning skills of problem solving.


陳振孫〔宋〕(1979) 。《直齋書錄解題》。台北:廣文書局。
程允升﹝明﹞、黃錫山箋註、葉玉麟譯解(1975) 。《幼學白話句解》。台北:五洲出版社。
程登吉撰、馬自毅注譯(1997) 。《新譯幼學瓊林》。台北:三民書局。
