  • 期刊

Non-Disposal "Ka" in Taiwan Southern Min





台灣閩南語 ka字句 受事者 標的 來源 受惠者 受害者


In addition to denoting disposal, ka in Taiwan Southern Min has other functions such as introducing goal, source, benefactive, and adversative. Like the disposal ka-construction, the ka NP in goal/source ka constructions is semantically related to the postverbal object. Compared with the disposal ka-construction, goal/source ka-constructions sometimes require one more postverbal argument. As for benefactive/adversative ka-constructions, they differ from the other ka-constructions in that the benefactive/adversative argument is often optional. This paper discusses the non-disposal ka constructions, and it argues that Lin's (2010) account of the disposal ka-construction can be applied to account for goal/source ka-constructions. The benefactive ka-construction and the adversative ka-construction are semantically related, and they also have the same structure. To sum up, among the four types of non-disposal ka construction, two of them (goal and source) are argued to have the same structure as that for a disposal ka-construction, and the benefactive/adversative ka-constructions have their own distinctive structure.


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