  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Trapezius Muscle Tone and Viscoelastic Properties in Sitting and Supine Positions


Objectives In this study, the aim was to use the upper trapezius muscle as a representative of the musculoskeletal support system to determine the effect of changing from a sitting position to a lying position on muscle tension and whether this change could be useful in the prevention of musculoskeletal complaints. Methods Fifteen healthy right-handed female computer operators participated in this study. Myometric measurements of the upper trapezius muscle on both sides of the body were recorded for the participants while they were in a sitting position and then again in a supine position. Results Changing from a sitting position to a supine position reduced the tone and stiffness by up to one fifth-important characteristics of the support function-in the upper trapezius muscle. Conclusions The change in the tone and stiffness of the trapezius muscle is of significance to the well-being of sedentary workers, particularly computer-terminal operators. Including recommended regular breaks of brief periods of simple, unchallenging movements while in a supine position should enhance their recovery from prolonged sitting because the support requirement on the muscles is lessened.
