  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of Counseling Supervisory Competence in Supervisors with Different Backgrounds


本研究旨在探討國內不同背景督導人員之諮商督導能力,包括性別、學歷層級、專業科系、機構屬性、輔導與督導工作年資等不同背景變項督導人員之督導能力表現的差異情形,以了解現況並做為未來規劃督導訓練課程之參考。本研究採立意取樣以學校單位及社會機構之督導人員195人為對象,研究工具為研究者編製之「諮商督導能力評量表」,該評量表包含「督導關係」、「督導角色與功能」、「督導情境脈絡」等三個分量表。本研究資料以單因子多變項變異數分析、單因子單變項變異數分析等方式來進行處理。 本研究結果如下: 1.男性與女性督導人員自評其在「督導關係」、「督導角色與功能」、「督導情境脈絡」等方面之諮商督導能力無顯著差異。 2.博士學歷層級督導人員自評其在「督導關係」、「督導角色與功能」、「督導情境脈絡」等方面之諮商督導能力,高於碩士、學士等學歷層級督導人員。 3.專業科系督導人員自評其在「督導功能與任務」方面之諮商督導能力,高於相關科系及其他科系督導人員。 4.學校輔導機構督導人員自評其在「督導關係」、「督導角色與功能」、「督導情境脈絡」等方面之諮商督導能力,高於社會輔導機構的督導人員。 5.輔導工作年資十年以上督導人員自評其在「督導關係」、「督導角色與功能」等方面之諮商督導能力,高於輔導工作年資在十年(含)以下的督導人員。 6.督導工作年資十年以上督導人員自評其在「督導關係」、「督導角色與功能」等方面之之諮商督導能力,高於督導工作年資在十年(含)以下的督導人員。 本研究根據研究結果,分別針對諮商員教育與諮商督導工作,以及未來研究提出具體的建議,供學校與社會輔導機構及其人員參考。


The study examines the differences in supervisory competence in relation to differences in gender, highest level of education, majors in school, nature of agencies, and years of experience in counseling and supervisory work. The participants were 195 supervisors coming from schools or social counseling institutes. The instruments were the three scales developed by Shyu (2004), namely, Supervisory Relationship, Supervisory Functions and Tasks, and Supervisory Context. The data collected were analyzed by using one-way multivariate ANOVA and one-way ANOVA of single variance. The results are as follows: 1. No significant differences between male and female supervisors self-report have been observed in Supervisory Relation, Supervisory Functions and Tasks, and Supervisory Context. 2. Based on their self-report, supervisors with doctoral degrees perform better than those with either a master's or a bachelor's degree in all three scales. 3. In Supervisory Functions and Tasks, supervisors with a major in counseling self-reported to be more competent in the job of supervision than those with a related major or non-related major. 4. Supervisors working in school counseling institutes self-reported to perform better than those in social counseling institutes in all three scales. 5. In Supervisory Relationship and Supervisory Functions and Tasks, supervisors with a counseling experience of more than ten years self-reported to perform better those with ten years or less than ten years of experience. 6. In Supervisory Relationship and Supervisory Functions and Tasks, supervisors with a supervisory experience of more than ten years self-reported to perform significantly better those with ten years or than ten years of experience. Bas ed on the research findings, suggestions are offered concerning counselor education, counseling supervision and future research.




